Every Kiwi Vote Counts

This Election, Australia Decides

Every Kiwi Vote Counts

This Election, Australia Decides


In 2023, we enlisted Australia to decide the outcome of the New Zealand election.

Non-partisan voting organisation, Every Kiwi Vote Counts (EKVC) faced a major challenge: motivating 1 million overseas Kiwis, especially when the majority reside in Australia, to vote in New Zealand’s election.

We leveraged the intense rivalry between New Zealand and Aussie as our powerful hook. The message was clear: Australian-based Kiwis could sway the outcome of New Zealand’s election, and for Kiwis back home, nothing could be worse than having Aussies decide their future.

With a twist on the trans-Tasman rivalry, we turned this cultural tension into an urgent call for action, overcoming voter apathy by tapping into New Zealanders’ long-standing competitive spirit. The campaign not only reignited national pride but addressed the key issue behind low turnout - many overseas Kiwis didn’t feel their vote would make a difference. By highlighting the sheer influence of Australian-Kiwis, we reframed their role as essential to New Zealand’s future.

Focusing solely on Australia, where 70% of the Kiwi expatriate population resides, paid off. The campaign rapidly gained traction, capturing 18 million impressions (nearly four times New Zealand’s population) with 118 media features across prominent outlets like Sky News Australia, Channel 9, Daily Mail, TVNZ 6pm, Breakfast, and Newshub. Within 24 hours, EKVC achieved $1.35 million in PR value - well above our $500,000 goal.

This cultural insight-driven campaign not only exceeded all benchmarks but ignited a shift in overseas Kiwi voter engagement. When it comes to New Zealand’s future, every Kiwi vote truly does count.

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