She Sets the Pace
She Sets the Pace
Despite advances in gender equality…. Outdated gender stereotypes still existed in the automotive industry, with more than half of New Zealanders believing men can drive better than women.
To highlight the absurdity of these statistics, we partnered with The Project presenter Kanoa Lloyd to defy expectations and break a speed benchmark set up by legendary 1950s race driver Sybil Lupp.
Kanoa was partnered with three female motorsport legends to go through a series of driving challenges… and she not only met them, but beat them - completing a quarter-mile spring in 8 seconds, and securing a 99km per hour average speed in an hour-long endurance challenge.
Jaguar is a brand that has always challenged conventions - on and off the race track.
And this challenge landed blanket coverage - from three individual segments on The Project to coverage across major titles such as Newshub, Stuff and New Zealand Herald - the brand forced a reappraisal of high-speed performance sport.