It's time to BeReal
It's time to BeReal
A new generation of travellers was hungry for a new type of social content - one that championed authenticity, as opposed to saturated Instagram cliches… and what better destination to offer that, than the friendly islands of Fiji?
Tourism Fiji hijacked one of the year’s biggest social trends by being the first country in the world to say ‘Bula’ to BeReal - the social sharing app that encourages you to post one authentic, unedited picture each day.
The Tourism Fiji BeReal channel shared one post every day. Each was taken by a different local person and showcased the friendly and genuine people of Fiji as well as showing off the country’s stunning vistas, from white sand beaches to lush countryside, to tempt tourists to the 333 pristine islands for a holiday.
The campaign resonated with the newest travel demographic - reaching 1.4 million Gen Z’s, as well as hitting dozens of headlines across the globe from heavy hitters including New Zealand Herald, Escape, Travel Weekly and The Edge.
It was time to say BULA to BeReal!